Non-Executive Director

Andrew started his insurance career as a marine broker with Hogg Robinson in 1980.

After broking for 8 years, he joined the Bowring Members’ Agency and was subsequently a director of the Murray Lawrence, Wellington and Stace Barr Wellington agencies where he was involved in syndicate analysis and looking after both corporate and individual members. In 1997 Andrew became managing director of ABSA Syndicate Investments Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of ABSA Group in South Africa and a corporate spread fund underwriting at Lloyd’s, which produced excellent results throughout its underwriting career.

He joined Alpha as an executive director in January 2010. Andrew was an unlimited member of Lloyd’s from 1987 until 2012 when he converted to a LLP for 2013.  Andrew retired as an executive director in 2016 and became a non-executive director of Alpha.

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